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      Greetings. I am an artist. I paint in the genre of Abstract Expressionism. I am not well known yet as I have been promoting my art for a relatively short time, about three years. I am working diligently on becoming better known and  am confident that my work deserves a broader audience. I am also aware that there are more artists presenting more works today than ever before. There are many talented and deserving artists out there today than ever before. This is a challenge for all artists, and I accept that the challenge will be massive for me in this age of endless opportunities (and pitfalls) for promotion. This is both positive and negative. We all have to depend on many factors, often they are out of our control, and there is always the fortuitous concept of 'being in the right place at the right time'. I will continue in my quest to be recognized as a worthy artist undaunted.

      I thank you for visiting my site and hope you will take a few minutes to explore the content and reach out to me.


Brian Snowden

The paintings below are in my newest series using quite large formats. These canvases measure 48 in x 60 in (120 cm x 150 cm) and 60 in x 60 in (150 cm x 150 cm) . This first one is titled " Visual Symphony". The second is titled "Turbolenza". More details on My Art II page.

Masterwork _2 Large.jpg
Turbolenza Large.jpg

"I never know what I'm going to put on the canvas. The canvas paints itself. I'm just the middleman."


Peter Max

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